Counting a gazillion reps

Nic Laflamme
1 min readMar 31, 2021

How to make sure you don’t lose count.

I didn’t invent this trick and I’m not taking credit for it. Anyone who has done CrossFit for a couple months has learned about this system.

  1. Break down your reps into manageable sets
  2. Divide your total reps by the size of said manageable sets.
  3. Create a small pile of poker chips the size of the amount of sets you’re about to perform.
  4. Each time you complete a set, move one poker chip over to the “completed” pile

A concrete example

If you’re planning on performing 100 burpees.

Lay down 10 poker chips.
Each time you do 10 burpees, move one chip over to pile number two.
When you moved your last poker chip… you’re done.

An alternative to poker chips

Most people don’t own a poker chip set. I don’t.

My method of choice is to use 2 empty glasses and forks. Everyone has those.I start my workouts with all the forks in one glass and I move them over one by one into the other glass.

As long as you don’t forget which glass is the “completed” and which glass is the “todo”, you’re golden.

