Avoid splitting when you can

Nic Laflamme
1 min readMar 31, 2021

Why a few large workloads are usually better idea than many small ones.

This post is part of the “Make better commitments” series.
You can think of the series as an aggregation of the lessons learned by making bad commitment decisions myself, and seeing other make sub-optimal choices.

There are two steps in running 10 miles: (1) putting on the shoes, (2) running the miles

I’ve used running as the baseline here, but pick any commitment. Basically, there is a preparation part and an execution part.

I’m convinced that putting on the shoes is about half the battle. The running pretty much takes care of itself once you’re out the door.

Besides, even if it’s not half, it’s probably a more significant share of the pain than you realize.

When you split you commitment in two parts you’re going through the pain of preparing for the execution twice.

If you need to set a camera on a tripod, record your video, upload the video… it’s horrible.

Do yourself a favor, and reduce your preparation to execution ratio to a minimum.

